Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals


We can baptise your child into God’s family.  This requires a commitment not only from the parents, but our congregation who make a promise to uphold our Christian beliefs and values and encourages the child to seek the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are happy to support you over the years to come.


When two people are joined in holy matrimony in the presence of God, family and friends, it shows a commitment to love and support each other through times of prosperity and trial.

If you have any questions about marriage, we are more than happy to discuss them with you.

We are happy to support you over the years to come.


Our minister is available to conduct funerals in our church or at a cemetery or crematorium.

Our minister always meets the bereaved family before the funeral to talk about the life of the person who has died and to arrange an appropriate service.

We feel that these special services should be tailored especially for you according to your requirements.

Any of the above can be enhanced by the use of our visual and audio equipment.  Please click here for details.

If you are enquiring about any of these services either:-

  • speak to one of our Stewards (identifiable by their badges) on a Sunday morning and they will pass your details onto our Superintendent Rev. Dr.Iain Ballard who will contact you and make an appointment to discuss the service
  • or you can contact us via our Contact us page on this website.


The Worship area (Sanctuary) can seat up to 156 on comfortable movable chairs, including some with arm rests which can be reconfigured to suit the occasion.  Along with our fully equipped PA system including microphones on both movable lecterns, two radio microphones, one free standing and one roving microphones.

The PA includes a loop system for the hard of hearing, please switch your hearing aid to the ‘T’ position.

Our digital projector is controlled through a laptop to display the Order of Service along with the hymns and can output audio over the PA system.  The presenter has the ability to see the image being displayed on the fixed 10-foot screen via a wall-mounted 40-inch monitor situated to the right when facing the congregation.

We have the ability to play CDs and cassettes and to record onto cassette.

A static fixed-zoom camera streaming a live feed is mounted on the right transept above the link corridor by-folding doors.  The live feed is then projected onto the screen, which is focused on the Communion area.

The link corridor can be opened up using the by-folding doors, which backs onto the Wesley Hall to create a larger space.